In memory of Denise Napolitano

On November 6, 2019, Preferred Pension Planning suffered the loss of our beloved bookkeeper, Denise Napolitano. Denise was 52 years old. Denise fought a long, hard battle with cancer. Along the way, she showed all of us how to be a leader, and how to handle adversity with dignity and grace.

Denise never had a bad word to say about anyone or anything. She had a positive way of looking at everything. If you described your problems to Denise, she quickly found the proverbial silver lining and made you feel better about whatever issues you were facing.

Even more remarkable was that Denise never complained about her own situation. Regardless of the monumental health issues she faced, Denise maintained a bright outlook and made light of her own problems. Her calm, logical, and cheerful personality was inspirational to everyone who knew her.

Denise was a brilliant bookkeeper, accountant, and tax preparer. More importantly, she was a wonderful mother, wife, colleague, and friend. She showed us all how to act in the face of seemingly unconquerable challenges; how to meet them head on, and how to remain optimistic regardless of the demands we have to face.

We are deeply saddened by the loss of a sweet, strong woman who was a role model to her family, friends, co-workers, and the community. It was a pleasure to have worked with Denise the past 12 years. She will be greatly missed.